Thu, Mar. 22, 2018 ⁄ 7:00pm


Since the 2016 presidential elections, the Twin Cities based “City as Commons” group has been meeting to discuss, learn and find out more about municipalism, a form of political organization gaining popularity around the world, based on assemblies of neighborhoods, practicing direct democracy, as an alternative to the centralized state. A goal of the group has been to develop collaboration among academics, activists, and artists interested in urban governance and social reproduction in the Twin Cities and to put them in conversation with colleagues across North America, Europe, and South America who are studying, and/or experimenting with, municipalist forms of governance.
In a two day series of talks, panel discussions and workshops, learn more from local artists, academics, activists, and thinkers, along with three international and rural activists and scholars whose work has explored these issues:
Carol Maziviero (São Paulo, Brazil) – Researcher on insurgent urbanism, and urbanism in the digital age from the Architecture School of the São Judas Tadeu University in São Paulo.
Daniele Tognozzi (Berlin, Germany) – Artist, activist and urban studies researcher from Spatial Strategies at KHB Weißensee ( and Tesserae Urban Social Research (
William “Naawacekgize” Quackenbush (Ho-Chunk Nation / Wisconsin) – Indigenous activist and scholar, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Ho-Chunk Nation (


THURSDAY   MARCH 22   7-9pm

Location: Carlson 1-123 University of Minnesota (West Bank)

“Cities as Commons? Exploring Municipalist Movements in International and Rural Contexts”

Talks and panel discussion with Carol, Daniele, and Bill that will invite comparisons between international and rural perspectives on municipalism, including topics such as direct democracy, social power and reproduction, organizing bottom up movements, rural-urban divides, and the rise of democratic alternatives to the centralized state.
Panel Discussion with: Carol Maziviero, William “Naawacekgize” Quackenbush, Daniele Tognozzi


FRIDAY   MARCH 23   1-3:30pm

Location: 1219 University Ave SE (University Baptist Church /


“What is Possible? Sharing Housing Rights Strategies Across Rebel Cities”

Based on his experiences organizing neighborhoods against the commercial development of Berlin, Daniele will lead a workshop in collaboration with Twin Cities based neighborhood organizers that will demonstrate how international activists and artists can learn from each other about tactics for bottom up organizing of municipalist movements.
Workshop led by Daniele Tognozzi, Kristen Eide-Tollefson (Preserve Historic Dinkytown), Erich Wunderlich (community organizer)


FRIDAY   MARCH 23    3:30-6pm

Location: 2854 Columbus Ave (Beyond Repair – Assembly)


Social mapping with Carol Maziviero: 

Carol Maziviero will lead a workshop on collective mapping, where participants will use cartography to explore socio-cultural and urban issues of a particular urban area. In the workshop, through a collaborative process, participants will subvert the concept of the map and take ownership of their own territories, building local networks, and helping reveal new possibilities for social action and cooperation.

War is Trauma Pop-Up Exhibit:

War Is Trauma is a portfolio of handmade prints produced by the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative in collaboration with the Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). This portfolio transpired out of a street poster project, from November 2010, which a number of Justseeds artists provided graphics for “Operation Recovery” – a campaign to stop the deployment of traumatized troops and win service members and veterans right to heal. Posters were pasted in public, replacing many corporate advertisements, to focus public attention towards the issues not being discussed – GI Resistance, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sexual assault in the military or Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The action led to another collaboration between Justseeds and IVAW – an “Operation Recovery” booklet published by Printed Matter in NYC and currently the War is Trauma portfolio. For this project over 30 artists from Justseeds, IVAW, and our allies have each created a print that addresses “Operation Recovery,” its larger goals of supporting service member and veterans right to heal, GI resistance, challenging the culture of militarism in the US, and ending the war in Afghanistan. A total of 130 portfolios have been created that we hope inspire 130 exhibitions that can act as a starting point to bring different people together – veterans, civilians, Iraqis, Afghans, and others to dialogue on issues. – IVAW & Justseeds


FRIDAY   MARCH 23   6:30-8:00

Location: 3715 Chicago Ave. S (CTUL)


“Imagining the Just City: Movements Across Difference”

We all know that the city is an amalgam of subjects, but how is that played out, and how can we begin to move past certain powerful subjects objectifying others in an attempt to create a “common narrative?” With a nod towards pioneering queer activist Harry Hay and his ideas on subject-subject consciousness, our conversation considers the benefits of a heterogeneous city and how municipalists can create the conditions for subjecthood to thrive and for multiple narratives to flourish simultaneously.
Panelists: Jeremiah Bey Ellison (City Councilperson – Ward 5), Jennifer Newsome (Dream the Combine), Ginger Jentzen (15 Now, Socialist Alternative), Tina Sigel (Restorative Justice Community Action), Sarah Jane Keaveny (RN/BSN, mother, nurse, poet, activist, enthusiast)
Sam Gould (Moderator)


FRIDAY   MARCH 23   8:30 – 10:30pm

Location: 2854 Columbus Ave. S


After Party @ Assembly with Hello Psychaleppo






Desde las elecciones presidenciales del 2016, el grupo “Ciudad como Comunes” [or “City as Commons not sure if you want to translate this] ubicado en las Ciudades Gemelas se ha estado reuniendo para reflexionar sobre el municipalismo, una forma de organización política que está ganando popularidad en todo el mundo. El Municipalismo se fundamenta en un modelo asambleario en los barrios para practicar la democracia directa como una alternativa al estado centralizado. Uno de los objetivos del grupo ha sido desarrollar la colaboración entre investigadores, activistas y artistas interesados en la gobernanza urbana y en la reproducción social en las Ciudades Gemelas; también es deseo de este grupo poner a estos grupos en contacto con personas en América del Norte, Europa y América del Sur que están estudiando, y/o experimentando con formas de gobierno municipalistas.
En un encuentro de dos días basado en lecturas, mesas redondas y talleres, aprenderemos con artistas locales, investigadores, activistas y pensadores. También contaremos con la colaboración de  tres investigadores y activistas internacionales y rurales cuyos trabajo han explorado estos temas:
Carol Maziviero (São Paulo, Brasil) – Investigadora en urbanismo insurgente y urbanismo en la era digital de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad São Judas Tadeu en São Paulo.
Daniele Tognozzi (Berlin, Germany) – Artista, activista e investigador de los estudios urbanos de Estrategias Especiales en KHB Weißensee ( y  de la Investigación Social Urbana de Tesserae (
William “Naawacekgize” Quackenbush (Ho-Chunk Nation / Wisconsin) – Activista indígena e investigador, Oficial de Preservación Histórica Tribal de la Nación Ho-Chunk (


THURSDAY   MARCH 22   7-9pm

Location: Carlson 1-123 University of Minnesota (West Bank)


“Ciudades como Comunes? Explorando Movimientos Municipales en Contextos Internacionales y Rurales”

Lecturas y mesas redondas con Carol, Daniele, y Bill que invitarán a realizar comparaciones entre perspectivas internacionales y rurales sobre el municipalismo, incluyendo temas como: democracia directa, el poder social y la reproducción, la organización de movimientos ascendentes,las divisiones entre el campo y la ciudad y el ascenso de las alternativas democráticas al estado centralizado.


FRIDAY   MARCH 23   1-3:30pm

Location: 1219 University Ave SE (University Baptist Church /


“¿Qué es posible? Compartiendo estrategias sobre el derecho a un hogar  en las ciudades rebeldes”

Basado en sus experiencias organizando barrios contra el desarrollo comercial de Berlín, Daniele dirigirá un taller en colaboración con activistas locales que defienden el derecho a una vivienda. Este taller explorará cómo los activistas internacionales y los artistas locales pueden aprender unos de otros sobre tácticas para organizar movimientos municipalistas ascendentes.
Taller dirigido por Daniele Tognozzi, Kristin Eide-Tollefson (Preserve Historic Dinkytown), Eric Wunder

FRIDAY   MARCH 23   3:30-6pm


Location: 2854 Columbus Ave (Beyond Repair – Assembly)

War is Trauma Pop-Up Exhibit & Social mapping with Carol Maziviero

FRIDAY   MARCH 23   6:30-8:00

Location: 3715 Chicago Ave. S (CTUL)


“Imaginando una ciudad justa: Movimientos a través de la diferencia”

Todos sabemos que la ciudad es una amalgama de sujetos, pero ¿cómo se desarrolla y cómo podemos salir de las dinámicas de poder que objetiviza y jerarquiza a la personas para crear una “narrativa común”? Teniendo en cuenta el gesto activista queer pionero de Harry Hay y de sus ideas sobre la conciencia del sujeto-sujeto, nuestra conversación considerareå los beneficios de la ciudad heterogénea y cómo los municipalistas pueden crear las condiciones para que prospere la subjetividad y para que narrativas múltiples florezcan simultáneamente.
Panelists: Jeremiah Bey Ellison (City Councilperson – Ward 5), Jennifer Newsome (Dream the Combine), Ginger Jentzen (15 Now, Socialist Alternative), Tina Sigel (Restorative Justice Community Action), Sarah Jane Keaveny (RN/BSN, mother, nurse, poet, activist, enthusiast)
Sam Gould (Moderator)


FRIDAY   MARCH 23   8:30 – 10:30pm

Location: 2854 Columbus Ave. S

After Party @ Assembly with Hello Psychaleppo






Tan iyo markii ay dhacday doorashooyinkii 2016, koox ka dhisan Magaalooyinka Mataanaha oo la yiraahdo “City as Commons ama Magaaladu waa Meel la Wada Leeyahay” ayaa shirar yeeshay si ay u falanqeeyaan, si ay wax u bartaan iyo sida ay dowlad hoose ahaan isu dhisi karaan, oo ururkan waa mid ku shaqeeya si siyaasadeysan oo dunida oo dhan aad loogu riyaaqay, iyadoo degaannada dadka magaalada la isu keenayo si ay uga qeybqaataan dimuquraadiyad toos ah oo ka beddelan midda dowladda dhexe. Hadafka kooxdan waa in la horumariyo wada-shaqeyn ka dhaxeysa aqoonyahannada, qabqableyaasha, iyo dadka farshaxanka ah ee daneynaya maamulka magaalada iyo abaabulka bulshada ku dhaqan Magaalooyinka Mataanaha, iyo in ay wadahadal la yeeshaan dadka dhiggooda ah ee ku dhaqan Waqooyiga Ameerika, Yurub, iyo Koonfurta Ameerika, kuwaasoo u dhuun duleela barashada iyo/ama tijaabinta qaababka ay u shaqeyn karto dowladaha hoose.
Laba maalmood oo ah wadahadallo, doodo iyo tababarro gaar ah, oo aad ku baran doonto farshaxanka magaalada, qabqbleyaasha iyo indheer-garadka, kuwaasoo ay weheliyaan qabqableyaal ka socda caalamka, kuwa ka socda dhulka miyiga ah ee gobolka iyo aqoonyahanno sahamin ku sameeya arrimaha kor ku xusan oo kala ah:
Carol Maziviero (São Paulo, Brazil) – Cilmi-baare la socda kacdoonka magaaleyta magaalooyinka, magaalooyinka xilligan casriga ah, oo wuxuu ka socdaa kulliyad lagu barto naqshadeynta dhismeyaasha oo ku dhex taalla jaamacadda  São Judas Tadeu University, magaalada São Paulo iyo Sheybaarka Siyaabaha kala duwan ee Magaaleynta Magaalooyinka.
Daniele Tognozzi (Berlin, Germany) – Farshaxan, qabqable iyo cilmi-baare ka tirsan culuunta takhasuska magaalada, oo waxa uu ka yimid Spatial Strategies oo ku taalla KHB Weißensee ( iyo Cilmi-baarista Culuunta Bulshada Magaalada ee Tesserae (
William “Naawacekgize” Quackenbush (Ho-Chunk Nation / Wisconsin) – Qabqable iyo aqoonyahan u dhaqdhaqaaqa dadka dhaladka Mareykanka ah, waana Hawl-wadeenka Keydinta Taariikhda Qabiil la yiraahdo Ho-Chunk (



Faahfaahinta Doodaha

7-da ilaa 9-ka fiidnimo

Carlson 1-123 University of Minnesota (West Bank)



“Cities as Commons? Magaaladu waa Meel la Wada Leeyahay, Sahaminta Dhaqdhaqaaqa Magaalada marka laga fekero miyi iyo magaalo, Caalamka oo dhan”
Wadahadalka iyo doodaha ay sameyn doonaan martida kala ah Carol, Daniele, iyo Bill waxaa la isugu barbar dhigi doonaa sida fikradaha kala duwan ee magaalooyinka, caalamka oo dhan iyo miyiga, oo mowduucyada waxaa ka mid ah dimuquraadiyadda tooska ah, awoodda bulshada iyo wax soosaarkooda, dhaqdhaqaaqyada abaabulka ah ee hoosta laga dhiso, kala-duwanaanta miyi iyo magaalo, iyo arrimaha soo kordhaaya ee ah wax lagu beddelan karo dimuquraadiyadda ka jirta dhinaca dowladda dhexe.



Faahfaahinta Tababarka

1-da ilaa 3:30 galabnimo



University Baptist Church

1219 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414



“Maxaa u Qabsoomi kara? Wadaagidda Qorhseyaasha Xuquuqda Guriyeyta Magaalooyinka Gadoodsan”
Waaya-aragnimadeeda waxa ka mid ah abaabulka deegaanno ka tirsan magaalada Baarliin si ay uga biya-diidaan dhisidda xarumo ganacsi, Daniele ayaa hoggaamin doonta wada-shaqeynta tababarka  qabqableyaasha iyo farshaxannada arrimaha guriyeynta ee Magaalooyinka Mataanaha, waxay kala baran karaan qabqableyaasha caalamka kale, sida xeelado ah abaabul loo adeegsado in hoosta looga dhiso dhaqdhaqaaqyada dowladda hoose.
Tababarkan waxaa hoggaamin doona Daniele Tognozzi, Kristen Eide-Tollefson (Preserve Historic Dinkytown), Erich Wunder (meesha uu ka socdo? – weli lama oga)


3:30 ilaa 6-da galabnimo

@ Assembly
War is Trauma Pop-Up Exhibit
Social mapping with Carol Maziviero


6:30 ilaa 8-da fiidnimo (Goobta waxay furnaan doonaa 6-da ilaa 9:30 fiidnimo)



3715 Chicago Ave. S

6:30 pm



“Maskaxdaada ku sawiro Magaalo Caddaalad ah: Kala-Duwanaanta Dhaqdhaqaaqyada Jira”
Waxaan ognahay in ay magaalo kasta ku nool yihiin dadyow kala duwan, laakiin sidee bay u qabsan karaan dantooda, iyo sidee loo bilaabi karaa in laga tala baxo dadka awoodda sheeganaya ee dadka kale sandulle uga dhigaya in waxa la sameynayo ay yihiin “wax lay isku raacsan yahay?” Waa in loo jiheysto arrin uu bilaabay qabqable la yiraahdo Harry Hay iyo fikradihiisii oo ahaa qof kasta rabitaankiisa in la tixgeliyo, wadahadalku wuxuu manaafacaad u keeni doonaa dadka kala duwan iyo in ay dowladda hoose abuurto tixgelin uu qof kasta barwaaqo ku heli karo iyo in si isku mar ah loogu bullaalo waxyaabaha badan ee ay dadku isku raacsan yihiin.
Jeremiah Bey Ellison (City Councilperson – Ward 5)
Jennifer Newsome (Dream the Combine)
Ginger Jentzen (15 Now, Socialist Alternative)
Tina Sigel (Restorative Justice Community Action)
Su Hwang (Pending)
Sam Gould (Moderator)

After Party


8:30 ilaa 10:30 fiidnimo

Goobta: 2854 Columbus Ave. S

@ Assembly w/ Hello Psychaleppo