Sat, May. 21, 2016 ⁄ 8:43–10:00pm


Last fall Andrew Jansen pulled a handfull of folks together, including our dear friend John Zuma St. Pelvyn and his collaborators in the Dark Globe Memorial Big Band, to situate themselves under various bridges, here in the neighborhood, at dusk along the Greenway. It was a truly magical event.

We’ve spoken with Andrew about producing some sort of “thing” in relation to this past, and near present, version of “Bridges.”

Tomorrow night will find us experiencing the second iteration of the gathering, now in springtime. We highly suggest you check it out. Here’s the lineup and bridge locations, including our friends IE, who we’re also in the midst of figuring out some “thing” with.


11th Ave – Carl Fisk
12th Ave- John Vance / Distressed Irony
13th Ave- IE (pronounced eee) / Michael Gallope & Crew
14th Ave- Jess Buns / Diva 93
15th Ave – Nancy, Thomas (Straight Panic, Family Planning), Kevin (Transitional Species)
16th Ave- Drone Not Drones Auxiliary / Luke Heiken (Drone Not Drones, Antiartica), Nate Nelson (American Cream Band), Croix Clayton (American Monsters), Chris Strouth (Paris1919)
Bloomington Ave- Dark Globe Memorial Band / Steven Matheson (John Zuma Saint-Pelvyn)
17th Ave -Tabby Sheets / Jackie B / Kate F / Molly R
18th Ave- Matt B and Emily (P • PL)
Cedar Ave- Andrew Jansen / Beach Body

If you have any questions direct them to